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Manic Monday ~ No-Fail Environment (Part 3)

Happy Monday! I am going to start this week off with a positive attitude (Jesus, please help me)! What am I going to write about today? Hmmm....let's see....oh yes, I need to fill you in on PART 3 of our "No-Fail Environment" segment! Don't worry, I didn't forget. I am just mimicking most people's train of thought on a Monday! I'm actually prepared today! And I am going to continue to stress the components of what makes an environment a "no-fail" zone. Preparation + Good Effort = Opportunity for Success. Sure, there is a spectrum in the degrees of success, but that depends on how well you prepare and how much true effort you apply! The last two segments have been geared towards food. This segment is geared towards physical activity and the "no-fail" environment! Exercise prep is much like food prep! You have to involve some planning. Typically I see many folks try to fit their exercise in at the end of the day. That's the plan. However, many times I see the same plan get interrupted. Distractions, other obligations, and end-of-the-day tiredness are among the common deterrents that keep many side tracked. I often see better success rates among people who dedicate a committed daily time to exercise. Some of the best times are early morning sessions. For those who are not early morning people, making a monthly progression towards an early time is very doable. Start the first few weeks getting up 20 minutes earlier and completing a quick 15/20 minute regime. Then add 5 extra minutes each week until you accomplish a full session of 30-60 minutes. If early morning is NOT an option, try a lunch hour or a committed time each evening. Make a TRUE effort of this! Mark a calendar and schedule it! After each session accomplished, keep yourself motivated by writing a big "V" for victory or a star over your scheduled event in your calendar. Along this subject, I especially want to encourage mothers who are in the middle of raising kids. I can affirm that no mother usually has the time to exercise when there are kids to tend to. I have found that by exercising first thing in the morning (5:30am for me) has never interrupted my obligations as a mother. Why? Because my children are sleeping! Also, I feel ready to tackle the day after I have finished my exercise session. This is my time. My time without distraction. It's my time without compromising time with my family, which is extremely important to me. Not only is time preparation key, but so is having all of your gear ready too. Commit one or two dresser drawers to workout clothes that are ready to grab and go (wear). I have found that establishing a location by my mud room for my running shoes, exercise bag, and other gadgets has been essential for me to be quick in starting my daily exercise session. I don't have to take 20 or 30 minutes to round up all of my gear. Finally, having a specific location to dedicate to exercise is very important! This is exactly why gyms are needed. Home is a very tough environment to dedicate for exercise. Home serves as a place to regroup, eat, rest, and spend family time together. Very few people can be successful with home exercise sessions. And let's face it, sometimes the laundry is calling our name! The quick solution to this is obvious! MVP FITNESS CENTER! Your true effort here is just getting in your car, driving to MVP, and opening the gym door.....AND entering. Once your foot is in the door, you have conquered half the battle! It's time! Make this week your best environment ever! Make it a "NO-FAIL" environment! Have a GREAT week! Rachel Zimmerman, Certified Personal Trainer and Life Coach ACE/NSCA Wife, Mother, and Friend EndFragment

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