Manic Monday ~ Try Medicine....Balls
Monday, August 14, 2017 Last week I subbed for an exercise class at MVP Fitness in Milan. As I was preparing for the class and had a few minutes to spare, the medicine balls caught my eye. It's been a few years since I have incorporated medicine ball work into a routine. Eager to play around with the different weighted medicine balls, I found myself indulged in a full force workout. I was so caught up in all of my medicine ball work that the next day proved to that those weighted motions gave my muscles a challenge. I was sore for two days! And although I am balanced with my workouts every week, this different workout is another example of the benefits in changing up our normal routines. Every week I include exercises for every muscle group. They range from chest press, reverse flys, shoulder press, biceps curls, triceps extensions, to leg work such as squats, lunges, and extensions. I incorporate much more as well to balance out each muscle group. However, the other night I performed many sets of the shoulder press with the 15 lb medicine ball along with alternating walking lunges. So, I did about 4 sets of 20 repetitions. The next day I felt it. It was such a simple change in my routine, but it proved to challenge the very muscles I work every week! It was a great reminder that simple changes do prove to be effective. Try a little "medicine" change up. You will find a few different weighted medicine balls at MVP Fitness Center. Make sure you work with the one that challenges you without over compensating proper range of motion, as momentum with heavier weights can prompt people to swing and rock their movements. Make sure motions are controlled. And seek out a few new medicine ball exercises by connecting with an instructor or trainer. There are also many instructional videos via YouTube and other internet sites. Get your medicine's worth! Have a GREAT week! ~Rachel Zimmerman