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Manic Monday ~ Crazy Lady

I hope you enjoyed a beautiful Easter Day yesterday as we celebrated the Risen Son, Jesus. Easter is a day of renewal. There are signs of renewal all around us at this time of year. The flowers are blossoming, the grass has turned green, the birds are singing, and the sun feels warmer. All of this is motivation for us to be outside breathing in the fresh air. We naturally begin spending more time outside. It's at this time of year that I notice many walkers and cyclists tending to their exercise regimes out on the paved road. It's a very normal sight to see for this next half year. And I suppose I fit into that normal sight as I tend to walk or run outside more. But, I have been drawing more attention lately as my kids say. They joke that I might be called the "crazy lady!" I often try to get my workouts in before my kids wake up. So that means I'm up REALLY early to ensure that my session is completed so I don't compromise my time with my kiddies. But sometimes I will have a little one year old speaking to me through the baby monitor which means "exercise session over!" In the warm months I can make that session up by taking afternoon walks with my kids. That seems normal right? But when I add in plyometric jumps, alternating lunges, and push ups against a power pole (while I'm waiting for my kids to race a section of road), my kids point out that I look "funny." They never use to say that. But now that they have classmates in the neighborhood, they are quick to comment in fear of someone seeing their "crazy lady momma,". And although I am mindful of their feelings, I vowed to compromise. I will only perform those wacky exercises on the road if we see neighbors or people passing by. It would be great if we could start a new "normal" walking regime. Let's see, I could call it the "wacky walk." The "wacky walk" would only be done by "crazy" exercisers who are serious about using their exercise time efficiently. Here is what it would look like: Walk 5 minutes (moderate to fast pace) Plyometric squat jumps or modified squats. 1 minute Walk 5 minutes Alternating lunges . 1.5 minutes Walk 3 minutes Push-ups against a pole or other standing object. 1.5 minutes. Repeat 1-2 more times. Bonus: while walking~ tighten abdominals by pulling in the belly button towards the spine. Squeeze the glute (bottom) muscles. Pump your arms as you walk. If you are unable to exercise outside, no worries.... Take it on the treadmill! In the meantime, don't be afraid to be "crazy!" Have a GREAT week! Rachel Zimmerman, Certified Personal Trainer and Life Coach ACE/NSCA Wife, Mother, and Friend.

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